Digital Transformation (DX) with AI | LLM | ChatGPT

Intumit Drives the Unleashing Power
of Copilot/AOAI/ChatGPT

Utilize the Experience of True Enterprise Level Generative AI Chatbot

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Intumit SmartAuto: Autonomous GPT

Intumit SmartAuto is an autonomous GPT under AutoGPT, which has recently gained significant popularity on the code hosting platform GitHub. AutoGPT is a Python-based application developed using open source code from GPT-4, which allows for AI to function independently without user input. AutoGPT differentiates itself from ChatGPT in that it has the capability to automatically analyze and execute instructions, pose and answer questions, without any intervention. While ChatGPT is described as a “one command and one action” program, AutoGPT operates with a higher degree of autonomy, and has the capacity to generate its own questions and responses.

Intumit SmartAuto is a cutting-edge technology that has a multitude of functions that can be utilized for various purposes, such as market analysis and strategy development, marketing tasks, and much more. For instance, by requesting SmartAuto to perform market research on a specific product and analyze competitors, it will conduct an extensive evaluation by directly searching through search engines and presenting its findings.

Groundbreaking AI, SmartAuto Goes Beyond ChatGPT

SmartAuto is a groundbreaking AI agent with unparalleled capabilities. With SmartAuto, users can give AI a goal and observe as it formulates an execution plan and takes action. SmartAuto is capable of autonomously performing sales prospecting, allowing users to sit back and let it identify potential leads on its own. Additionally, it can analyze the market for simulations, setting its own goals accordingly. Its unique features is the ability to read about recent news events or catch up with the latest content, preparing outlines with accurate references. 

SmartAuto can act as a task manager, keeping track of tasks and priorities, while another service acts as a task creator. Designed to automate GPT-4 tasks, SmartAuto enables the creation of agents that complete tasks without any human intervention. With its impressive range of features, SmartAuto is the ultimate solution for anyone seeking to streamline their workload and boost productivity.

SmartAuto Technological Advancements in AI

  • Capable of completing various tasks independently
  • Possesses the ability to conduct research and mine data without human intervention
  • Has the capacity to learn from previous experiences and feedback
  • Capable of storing and recalling vast amounts of information
  • Can act autonomously without the need for human interaction
  • Has the capability to analyze large amounts of data and identify patterns
  • Can automate workflows and create podcasts
  • Can access the internet to acquire any necessary information
  • Can perform tasks without constant human input
  • Can recall and use information from previous inputs
  • Acts autonomously without the need for constant human guidance
Check out SmartGPT‘s powerful feature that can work together with SmartAuto!