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Healthcare – LINE Chatbot for Healthcare Professional (HCP)

Note: While Intumit strive to present an authentic success story, please bear in mind that all names, identifying details, and confidential information have been carefully redacted to safeguard our client's privacy and honor our commitment to maintaining their confidentiality.

LINE Chatbot for Healthcare Professional (HCP)


With a focus on the medical field and leveraging its expertise in biopharmaceutical manufacturing to improve health and enhance human life, the client has grown into a leading global independent biotechnology company, serving millions of patients worldwide and developing groundbreaking medicines.

Intumit effectively assisted the client in promoting its products to professional medical personnel by introducing a LINE chatbot which is exclusively available for verified medical personnel.



The client has introduced a dialogue robot service. Unlike the general LINE Chatbot, this account is only available for medical personnel to join, and the verified LINE UID (Unique Identifier) is verified by the client’s employees in Taiwan.

This s not only a simple dialogue service, but also provides up-to-date medical-related information for doctors across different fields, enabling effective group sharing, and additionally allows users to converse with the Intumit’s chatbot in LINE to access medical-related information at their convenience.


The chatbot also features a double-layered rich menu, which allows doctors in different fields to access information specific to their own field. This ensures that they only see relevant information, making it easier to manage and find the information they need.

On the main menu, users can choose the fields they want to explore

After clicking on the respective field, the second layered rich menu will show and users can access the information

For example if a user selects “Oncology” from the first layer of the main menu, a second layered rich menu with relevant information regarding Oncology will be displayed



It also provides users with several useful features, including the ability to:

  • Set a validity period for uploaded PDF files and keynotes
  • Track file clicks for analysis
  • Review documents before publishing them to medical staff
  • Send data and applications through email
  • Provide feedback via a URL sent through email
  • Analyze satisfaction reports




Intumit’s chatbot offers LINE support, allowing medical staff to conveniently access and manage medical information and documents. In addition to its intelligent assistant, the chatbot can send notifications and track data for analysis, providing valuable business insights. It can also serve as a tool for managing marketing campaigns and increasing user engagement.