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Boehringer Ingelheim – Medical Chatbot for Doctors

Medical Chatbot for Doctors

As one of the world’s leading independent biotechnology companies, Boehringer Ingelheim has reached millions of patients around the world and is developing products with breakthrough potential.

Intumit Conversational AI (AI Powered Chatbot) assists patients and physicians in gaining access to medical knowledge. Doctors have greater access to medical information, medical records, and documents.


Users can access free online consultations, monthly news, advice on dealing with side effects, and cancer tests via various menus. Each subject is handled by a separate group of robots and users also can receive notifications on their smartphones when they are invited to events.

Via LINE, Intumit Conversational AI provides patients and physicians access to medical information through a chatbot.

Physicians have access to specific medical information, a variety of medical records, and the ability to interact with patients. Patients select the hospital of their choice, provide their contact information, and log in.

Depending on the type of medication, they can determine which robot to ask for specific information. Certain information can also be sent to the user’s email account, but they must provide their email address to access it.

87% of users were satisfied with the accurate answers

As Conversational AI has been deemed successful with a 92% rate


There are 90% higher in interactions in all the internal activities as well as 92% showing the chatbot has met the service requirements by providing 87% more accurate answers.

87% chatbot provides an accurate answers.
90% of Internal activities Interactions
92% users were satisfied with the accurate answers